Vitamins heal you on a cellular level

Yes, you heard it right. Vitamins heal you on a cellular level. But on earth does that even mean? 

Modern medicine has dominated the healthcare landscape and has been built to intervene in the face of disease. It has not been focused on the preservation of vitality. That is the focus of infusion-based, vitamized cellular support. Your body is in a constant state of renewal and repair. Cellular vitality is essential for the body to successfully renew itself. IV infusions represent a fundamental advance in supplying the ingredients to support cell life. ❤️

When high-dose vitamins are infused intravenously, the cells are exposed to super high plasma levels of the vitamins. This creates an osmotic gradient that helps push the micronutrients into the cells. It is here that micro nutrients do their most important work. The vitamins have a restorative impact at a cellular level that can last as long as the cells live. 

Cells have a lifespan, ranging from several days in the case of those lining the gastrointestinal tract, to several months or even years for cells in other parts of the body. It is for this reason that the intermittent infusion of high-dose water-soluble vitamins can have a durable effect.????

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